Immersive simulator for Alpine-coaster circuits – FRANCE

We created from scratch a digital simulator to help with the design and sales of mountain coasters.

Through this tool, our client, a creator and installer of amusement rides can generate coaster-circuits adapted to the terrain in order to imagine different  set-up possibilities.

With this veritable technological showcase, our client was able to offer their potential clients 3D visualizations of summer sledding slopes adapted to their topology through the immersive headset.

Technological innovation at the service of sales !  To learn more, have a look !

Key Elements

  • Design- and sales-support simulation software
  • Creation of Alpine coaster-circuits
  • 3D immersive solution

#IESAAutomation #IndustrialSimulation #VirtualReality #VR #SledSimulation #AmusementPark #3DEditor #MNT #MNE #DigitalElevationModel #IGN #Funcoaster #RealTime3D #PassengerTransportation #Ropeways