Training simulator – access to nuclear controlled areas – FRANCE

The IFCEN entrusted IESA with the mission of developing a simulator enabling training for access to nuclear controlled areas.  Through close collaboration with the trainers, IESA was able to meet the challenge, offering a realistic 3D simulation of the school training site. 

With an immersive headset, learners are put into real situations and must accomplish a set of tasks according to a pre-defined scenario.  They must conform to the access rules of the site, and have the right reactions to unexpected events.  This interactive approach allows learners a better grasp and memorization of the nuclear sector’s requirements and safety obligations.

This development of a simulator offers numerous advantages, in particular:

  • time gain
  • optimisation of the necessary space
  • cost reduction
  • energy consumption reduction

The IFCEN now has at its disposal a complementary training solution that can be delivered all over France and the world without the need for a fully-equipped training site.

Key Contributions:

  • Training simulator
  • 3D immersive model
  • Optimization
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

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