Pulp and Paper Mill Line – ENGLAND

We implemented the « Power / Control-command » turnkey project in a pulp and paper mill unit in England. Among others, we provided :

  • Transformers 2000 KVA
  • Main LV cabinet
  • MCC cabinet in form 4 B2
  • PLC Cabinet
  • 4 HMI Panelview 15
  • Redundant Supervision PC
  • Installation on site (5 000 hours)

Our electricians team carried out this project successfully in compliance with the British Standards.

#IESAAutomation #Automation #Automatisme #Electricité #ClefEnMain #ContrôleCommande #PLC #ArmoireTGBT #ArmoireMCC #IHM #HMI #Supervision #PCdeSupervisionRedondant #Papeterie #PaperMill #IndustriePapetière #LignePréparationPâteàPapierRecyclée #RecyclagePapier #PaperRecycling