Data reporting and tracking – Industrial training simulator – CANADA

In Canada our industrial informatics team set up a tool to track trainess on a training simulator in an aluminum plant.

The system, realized by IESA, records learning activities and consolidates data to permit the generation of tables and charts (database).

Several possibilities are accessible through the tool, both for learners and for trainers :

  • Visualize time spent training
  • Consult grades received on the exercises
  • Training validation and generation of diplomas 

Data-saving and data-restoring functions were directly integrated into the application to assure the integrity of the data.

Key contributions:

  • Monitoring system on a piloting simulator
  • Data reporting and tracking
  • Advanced setup
  • Visual C# product development

#IESAAutomation #IndustrialInformatics #AluminiumPlant #Aluminium #Aluminum #DataCollection #DataTracking #Reporting #CSharp #MicrosoftSQL #OperatorTrainingData #MachinePilotingSimulator #IndustrialTraining #IndustrialEmulators