Energy Market Focus

Context and challenges

The energy market is constantly evolving as a result of technological change, growing environmental concerns and global economic dynamics. The transition to more sustainable energy sources and efforts to ensure more stable production and distribution while minimizing environmental impacts are a major challenge. Thus, more and more major players in the energy market are turning to greener energies. Environmental concerns such as climate change and air pollution have prompted many countries to adopt policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting clean energies.

IESA's positioning

In this particular context, the players in this sector particularly appreciate our responsiveness, flexibility and adaptability. Our specialists in industrial automation, electricity and simulation are in demand for their expertise, knowledge and mastery of processes, and particularly of heat control systems.

Is innovation the answer?

While it’s difficult to say that there’s a totally adequate answer, innovation is nevertheless playing a major role in the evolution of the energy market. Technological advances in energy storage, energy efficiency, renewable energy production and smart grids are having a significant impact on the way energy is produced, distributed and consumed.

What about innovation at IESA?

Firmly focused on innovation, at IESA we reinvest 30% of our profits in research and development. For example, we developed visual and interactive supervision solutions to improve plant display and control, particularly for players in the energy market!


We would like to thank all our customers in the energy sector for their trust and loyalty.

Further information

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