Business News – New Before/After Curing Workshop – Tires Plants

New Contract

We just won a new deal in the Logistics market and more specifically the Transitics market with Giordano. This new contract further strengthens our position as an automation expert in this market.

What is it about ?

Within the framework of the construction of a new before/after curing workshop in a factory of passenger tires, we were selected to carry out the studies of automatism and electric of the project. Our expertise will allow us to contribute efficiently to the realization of this project.

One of the keys to our success lies in our ability to simulate and test the processes before they are put into operation. In the context of this deal with Giordano, we will use our Plug’n Test [Architect] ® software to perform a complete emulation of the before and after curing workshop. This will allow us to test and validate the installation in order to guarantee an optimal configuration during the commissioning.

This commissioning will be done on site in Canada. International commissioning is a part of our daily work and one of our strengths. Our goal is to ensure a successful start-up for our customers!


And Next ?

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