Annual barbecue at IESA

Summer Barbecue relaxation mood

The annual summer barbecue, a tradition

Holidays is coming… And It was time for the traditional barbecue at IESA, which this year brought together all (or almost all) employees for a day of conviviality.

Where ?

We met at the Les Blaches lake, ready to enjoy a warm and festive moment. The atmosphere was one of relaxation and good humor, conducive to exchanges and sharing.

The program

On the menu: an aperitif followed by a barbecue, where everyone enjoyed delicious grilled meats and salads, finishing on a fruity note. Meanwhile, the more athletically inclined enjoyed a dynamic game of ball, while pétanque fans competed in skill and strategy on the pitch.

A moment to look forward to

This annual event, brilliantly organized by the CSE (Comité Social et Économique), has become a much-appreciated tradition within the company. It’s a chance for everyone to get together in an informal setting, strengthen ties and share pleasant moments outside the workplace.


We’d like to express our gratitude to the CSE for their faultless organization of this memorable day. We’re already looking forward to next year, when we’ll be renewing this wonderful tradition.