3rd quarter report on paper recycling in the office

A complex environmental context

The current environmental context presents major challenges for the future, whether in terms of resource management or the fight against global warming. At IESA, we are fully aware of the seriousness of these issues.

What do we do at IESA?

We are working hard to play our part in preserving the planet by implementing various environmental projects in line with our corporate social responsibility. One of these initiatives is selective sorting. Since this year, we have been recycling paper in our office, in accordance with our commitment to reduce our environmental footprint.

How do we do this?

With cardboard bins called “Ecobelles“!

These “Ecobins” are located in various strategic places in our offices, spread over the 2 floors. These bins are provided to us by Recygo, an entity set up by SUEZ and La Poste in 2018 to optimise the sorting and recycling of paper in the professional world in France. It is in this context that La Poste regularly recovers the paper we have collected in our Ecobelles bins.


Over the 3rd quarter, we collected 109.5 kgs of paper via our “Ecobelles” bins located at our premises in Vienne.

We’re delighted to be able to do our bit to help protect the environment: we’re persevering and will continue our efforts in this direction.

#IESAAutomation #RSE #Recyclagedepapiers